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The Full Itinerary

Families with Teens
Lake Atitlan Summer Program, July 1-9, 2025

Come join us and other families with active teens looking to find a program packed with adventure, culture and tradition.


Day 1

JULY 1, 2025

Arrival and welcome!




Arrival in Guatemala City and shuttle transfer to San Juan La Laguna.


Check into Lake View Accommodations

Welcome charcuterie spread with fresh fruit, bread, cheeses, veggies, smoothies and juices. 


Orientation, review of guidelines and safety information.




Dinner/Ice-breaker activities for teens to get to know one another.

Day 2

JULY 2, 2025

Exploring our surroundings



Breakfast at lodging.

Guided walking tour of San Juan, street art, galleries.






Spanish Immersion Classes: focus on conversational skills


Community Dinner at Hotel

Free time to enjoy the town


Day 3

JULY 3, 2025

Adventure and Nature



Breakfast at lodging.

Private boat tour of Lake Atitlan exploring villages, picnic lunch at San Marcos Nature reserve.



Swimming, rock jumping, walking tour through a neighboring town.



Dinner at accommodation

Soccer scrimmage with locals for those interested or bonfire.



Day 4

JULY 4, 2025

Cultural Immersion



Breakfast at lodging.

Visit to Indigenous family of "Day Keepers" Learn how specific families count through the Mayan Calendar daily in keeping with traditions hundreds of years old. Discussions around tradition and why it is important.


Picnic lunch on Lakeshore




Spanish Immersion Classes: focus on local cultural etiquette.


Community Dinner at Hotel


Surprise event



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Day 5

JULY 5, 2025

Community Service​



Breakfast at lodging


Community service volunteering at a local school. Dynamic games with local kids, speaking to them in English to help them learn, playing some sports or doing art together.


Lunch at local school shared with students and local parents. Translators will be present.​



Workshops on traditional weaving or chocolate tour. (you choose!)​​


Community Dinner at Hotel


Bonfire and smores

Day 6

JULY 6, 2025

Outdoor Adventure



Breakfast at lodging.

Hiking San Pedro Volcano (optional)

Free time/in room massages for parents that would like to book while teens hike!

50$ (add on)​


Picnic lunch at volcano summit

Charcuterie lunch at hotel for those that stay back




Rest, boardgames, snacks and refreshments, music jam for those that play instruments.


Community Dinner at Hotel

​Bonfire, Local legends and Myths told by local with translator.

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Day 7

JULY 7, 2025

Local Life - Market visit and Cooking Techniques​



Breakfast at lodging

​Spanish skills brush up, market phrases to practice.

Visit to the local market, each participant assigned a list to buy!


Return to accommodation and families will take turns making dishes guided by local staff.​



Tortilla workshop and workshop on local gardening and farming techniques​


A very special dinner at "Restaurante Ancestral"


Banana Splits at Hotel

Day 8

JULY 8, 2025

Reflection on lessons learned, differences in lifestyle observed



Sunrise pancake breakfast tour

Visit Rostro Maya swings viewpoint

Pickup tour through villages on the way back from viewpoint 


Free morning for parents to take kids out for coffee, shop, swim


Lunch at accommodation

Kayaking/art/Spanish, you chose your last activity!


Farewell dinner and opportunity to share highlights.




Day 9

JULY 9, 2025




Early Breakfast​


Final Goodbyes


Shuttles back to Guatemala City


Total Price:
$2600 per family of 2 adults, one or two teens.
+$400 per extra person 
Apply today to reserve your family's spot. Just 10% deposit payment due by Aug 20th, 2024



  • +4 more nights

  • Shuttle Trip to Mayan ruins in Tecpan

  • Solar pool night of relaxation

  • +2 Spanish lessons

  • Breakfasts and Lunches included



  • 7-8 Pairs socks and underwear

  • 4 Pants

  • Comfortable hiking pants

  • 3 pairs of shorts

  • 8 shirts/tops

  • Toiletries, brush, hair ellastics

  • Swimwear

  • Sandals -hiking type recommended for versatility

  • Sport Bras

  • Base layer of thermo-wear 

  • Jacket AND sweater

  • Walking shoes

  • Earplugs and headphones



​Join us for an incredible 9 days of work hard - play hard fun! We are so proud to offer this experience. Once registered, you will be invited to the Registered Families' WhatsApp group party-line where registered guests are posting ideas, preparation hike photos, tips and questions for the hosts to answer. ​

​A few notes!

Lake Atitlan remains extremely traditional and conservative in nature. Please remember that we are guests and as such we should dress and behave respectfully towards the hosts. Please dress modestly during your time here.

Bringing a small gift is optional but recommended to give to some of the families we support in our community. (Quality socks, a no-longer used smartphone, children's toys or a quality kitchen utensil/gadget.) 

We hope you love Guatemala for what it is and don't hate it for what it is not: Come with an attitude of adventure and expect some things to NOT go smoothly at all times. Guatemala is a developing country and amenities and infrastructure are developing. While the accommodations we book and offer during your visit are considered luxury to the local population, they are not immune to occasional water cuts, internet cuts, power outages, etc. Guatemala is a vibrant place and roosters cawking, dogs barking, music playing and fireworks being set off at all times of the day is considered normal. Please bring earplugs if you are a light sleeper. 

Our goal as your hosts is for you to leave our place BETTER, in so many ways.

Cultural Immersion Retreats

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